Posts in December, 2024, Page 2

Have you ever gotten up from a chair or out of bed in the morning, and upon taking that first step, feel like your heel has stepped on a tack? Many people experience a feeling of sharp pain which radiates into their arch from their heel and which does not allow them to put their… Read more »

Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, occurs when fatty deposits, called plaque, build up in the arteries, narrowing them and reducing blood flow to the legs and feet. This lack of blood flow can result in pain, sores, infections, and, in severe cases, gangrene, which can be serious enough to require amputation. Risk factors include smoking,… Read more »

Peripheral artery disease (PAD), or peripheral arterial disease, is a circulatory problem in which there is a reduction of blood flow to the limbs due to narrowed arteries. When peripheral artery disease develops, the extremities do not receive enough blood flow; this may cause symptoms to develop such as claudication, or leg pain when walking…. Read more »

Diabetic shoes can bring relief to the feet of patients suffering from diabetes. 

Joint pain in the feet is a common symptom of rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints. RA typically affects both feet and hands, often starting in the smaller joints. The pain is usually accompanied by swelling, stiffness, and redness, especially in the morning or after periods of inactivity…. Read more »