Posts by vendor, Page 167

Weakened muscles in the foot and toes may make the development of a condition known as hammertoe more likely. Possible causes for hammertoe may include arthritis, ill-fitting shoes, or genetic conditions. Hammertoe usually occurs in the second or third toe, but can affect any toe on the foot. Symptoms include having a toe that bends in an improper… Read more »

Hammertoes are painful deformities that frequently form on the second, third, or fourth toe. The condition is often caused by an issue in foot mechanics. This can be caused by the person’s specific gait or the manner in which they walk, or by shoes that do not comfortably fit the deformity.  Hammertoes can be formed… Read more »

Cold feet and hands, in addition to swelling and cramping, may often be symptoms of poor circulation. Many times it can be a sign of other health issues, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Red or blue toes, tingling in the feet, and unexpected hair loss on the legs may all point to circulation… Read more »

Poor blood circulation in the feet and legs is often caused by peripheral artery disease (PAD), which is usually the result of a buildup of plaque in the arteries. Plaque buildup, or atherosclerosis, can be the result of excess calcium and cholesterol in the bloodstream. This restricts how much blood can flow through arteries. Reduced… Read more »

When the skin on the foot rubs against a shoe, there is a chance a corn will develop. Typically, the pressure from this causes the skin to thicken; this may produce extreme pain, affecting the deeper layers of the skin. Hard corns are generally caused by poorly fitted shoes and may develop on the top of… Read more »