Posts by vendor, Page 35

One out of ten broken bones is reported to be in the feet. When an object crushes, bends, or stretches the bone beyond acceptable ranges, bones break. A break in the foot is either a fracture or a straight break. The location of any break can tell you how the break happened. Toes, for instance,… Read more »

Plantar fibromas are a relatively uncommon, but often painful, condition that affects the feet. These benign growths, typically found in the arch of the foot, develop within the plantar fascia, the band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. The exact cause of plantar fibromas is not well understood, but they are… Read more »

A plantar fibroma is a knot in the arch of the foot. It can cause pain when repeated pressure is applied by walking barefoot or wearing tight shoes. While plantar fibromas can appear in anyone, men who are middle-aged or older are said to be more susceptible. The main symptom of a plantar fibroma is… Read more »

Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They’re typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don’t live with plantar warts, and call us today!

Morton’s neuroma, a condition that often goes undetected, can cause considerable discomfort and disrupt daily life. This condition involves a thickening of the tissue around a nerve that runs between the third and fourth toes, typically causing a sharp, burning pain in the ball of the foot. The causes of Morton’s neuroma are multifaceted, often… Read more »