Posts by vendor, Page 41
An ingrown toenail is a nail that has curved downward and grows into the skin. This typically occurs at the nail borders, or the sides of the nail. As a result, pain, redness, swelling, and warmth may occur in the toe. If a break in the skin forms due to the ingrown nail, bacteria may… Read more »
People who are 65 years old or older have increased chances of incurring a fall. A common reason this can happen may be a result of decreasing body strength as aging happens. A good fall prevention technique can include implementing a gentle exercise routine that can increase cardiovascular and muscle strength. Falling can have serious… Read more »
Elderly Americans are very susceptible to falls as they get older. Everyone experiences decreases in flexibility, balance, strength, and the senses as they age. This correlates to some eye-opening statistics. 1 in 4 Americans aged 65 and older fall each year. An elderly American is being treated for a fall in an emergency room every… Read more »
Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don’t let bunions interfere with your daily activities.
Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection that results in inflammation, redness, itchiness, and scaling between the toes. It can also cause blistering on the bottom of the feet. This is a highly contagious infection and can be brought on by wearing wet or sweaty shoes or by walking barefoot on… Read more »