Posts by vendor, Page 65

Many people who enjoy running can experience a small amount of normal discomfort. This may be from strengthening the heart and leg muscles. Additionally, there are people who have persistent pain, and this is something that requires immediate attention. An improper running form or increasing distance and intensity too soon could result in injury. A… Read more »

Over half of all runners encounter at least one injury per year. The reason for this is because many runners do not train properly. Injuries are almost inevitable due to the physical stress that running causes. While our bodies are great at adapting to the stress, it can only handle it in small doses. Injuries… Read more »

An ankle fracture can happen from suddenly twisting your ankle. This can happen from falling, or possibly from stepping off of a curb unexpectedly. The ankle ligaments may be affected, and surgery may be needed for permanent repair. A surgical benefit can consist of putting the bones back together in proper formation for proper healing…. Read more »

When conservative, noninvasive methods prove ineffective, surgery may be selected as the next course of action for the treatment of your foot or ankle condition.  A wide number of foot and ankle surgical procedures exist, and it is up to your podiatrist to determine which intervention will be most appropriate and helpful for your case. … Read more »

Anyone with diabetes is vulnerable to foot problems as a result of high blood sugar levels, which can damage the nerves in the legs and feet. The resulting numbness makes it more difficult to detect sores or cuts and to notice if shoes are too tight. It becomes harder to feel pain, temperature, and pressure,… Read more »