Posts by vendor, Page 94
The Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) is a measure that a podiatrist may use to screen patients for peripheral artery disease. This simple, fast, and noninvasive assessment involves taking the blood pressures of the ankle and of the upper arm and comparing the two numbers in a ratio called the ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI). In a patient… Read more »
In foot care, vascular testing may be required in the diagnosing and treatment of certain podiatric conditions. Vascular testing is particularly relevant for patients with high-risk diabetes, poor circulation, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Procedures typically involve the examination of blood vessels throughout the body for blockages or buildup. Vascular testing… Read more »
Because the foot is made up of 26 bones, plus a variety of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints, proper foot care is very important. As our bodies age, the feet experience a lot of wear and tear and other chronic health conditions begin to develop. Therefore, foot care becomes even more important for seniors. Seniors should do daily foot… Read more »
As you grow older, you will start to notice more problems with your feet due to wear and tear. This may also happen because the skin will start to become thin and lose elasticity. Some signs of aging feet are regular aches and pains, bunion development, and clawed toes. Fortunately, there are ways you can… Read more »
Many people think babies’ feet are smaller versions of their own adult feet, despite the fact that they go through a detailed developmental process. There are levels of growth in babies’ feet. They start out crawling, and this phase can strengthen the feet by stretching the toes. As children start to walk, their feet become toned,… Read more »