Podiatrist’s Foot & Ankle Care Blog


Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, is a skin disease caused by a fungal infection.  The infection typically occurs between the toes, and the feet are most subject to this disease because shoes best create the warm, dark, and moist environment in which fungus thrives.  Other areas that create a similar environment, such as swimming pools,… Read more »

It is not unusual for adults to develop flat feet as they age, even though they never had the problem before. Although this condition often affects only one foot, it sometimes occurs in both. Its main cause is changes to the posterior tibial tendon that limit its ability to lift the arch of your foot…. Read more »

Flatfoot is a condition that occurs when the arches on the foot are flattened, which allows the soles of the feet to touch the floor. Flatfoot is a common condition and it is usually painless. Throughout childhood, most people begin to develop arches in their feet, however, some do not. Those who do not develop… Read more »

The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the heel bone at the back of the leg. The tendon allows you to push off when walking or running as well as raising up onto your toes. One type of Achilles tendon injury is known as Achilles tendinopathy. This occurs when there are small tears in… Read more »

The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the human body. Its purpose is to connect the lower leg muscles and calf to the heel of the foot. This tendon is responsible for facilitating all types of movement, like walking and running. This tendon provides an enormous amount of mobility for the body. Any injuries… Read more »