"Blog" Posts, Page 60

Research has indicated many elderly people have difficulty recovering from injuries that have occurred from falling. This can lead to a loss of independence, disability, and possibly chronic pain. There are simple measures that can be implemented which may help to reduce the risk of falling. These can include participating in a routine exercise program, improving… Read more »

The Achilles tendon, located at the back of the ankle, connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. When the tendon gets overstretched because of forceful jumping, pivoting, or sudden acceleration, the tendon can tear or rupture. Some signs of an Achilles tendon tear includes sudden pain in the calf or ankle, swelling in the back… Read more »

Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don’t let bunions interfere with your daily activities.

A corn is an area of skin that develops in a circular shape and is often found on the bottom of the foot or between the toes. It typically forms as a result of excess friction that can come from wearing shoes that do not fit correctly. Additionally, a corn can develop on the inside of… Read more »

Heel pain may be a common ailment among active children. It can be indicative of a condition that is known as Sever’s disease, which impacts the growth plate in the heel. You may notice that your child is limping, and this is a normal symptom of this condition. A proper diagnosis can consist of performing what… Read more »