"Blog" Posts, Page 81

If you are afflicted with the medical condition referred to as gout, it may be a result of specific lifestyle habits. It will typically affect the joint in the bottom of the big toe, and is considered to be a form of arthritis. It may develop when the uric acid levels in the blood are… Read more »

Research has shown that wearing shoes that fit properly may aid in preventing uncomfortable foot conditions from developing. Ingrown toenails may occur if the shoes that are worn fit too tightly, possibly causing the toenails to grow into the skin. It’s important to have your feet measured before purchasing shoes, and it may be beneficial… Read more »

Suffering from this type of pain? You may have the foot condition known as Morton’s neuroma. Morton’s neuroma may develop as a result of ill-fitting footwear and existing foot deformities. We can help.

For people who love the sport of running and jogging, it’s beneficial to learn what can be implemented to prevent running injuries. Research has shown the importance of having a physical examination prior to pursuing any running activities. There may be certain medical conditions present that may hinder the enjoyment of this activity, and proper… Read more »

The condition known as rheumatoid arthritis is a painful ailment that typically affects the muscles and joints. When this occurs in the feet, the toenails may become affected in addition to the patient possibly experiencing pain and stiffness. The discomfort is generally felt in the smaller joints in the feet, and this can possibly lead… Read more »