"Blog" Posts, Page 87

The ankle is considered to be one of the more stable joints in the body when compared to the body’s numerous other joints. When we walk, run, or jump, the ankle endures approximately one and a half times the weight of the body, and may become at risk for possible serious injury, while engaging in… Read more »

When a baby is born, their feet are padded and very flexible. Research has shown that toddlers have flat feet until they begin to walk, which typically happens between 8 and 18 months of age. When walking begins, it’s important for the child to wear a shoe with a soft sole which may enable them… Read more »

Your feet are covered most of the day. If you’re diabetic, periodic screening is important for good health. Numbness is often a sign of diabetic foot and can mask a sore or wound.

The general cause of a condition referred to as gout is an excess of uric acid that accumulates in the body. The big toe is typically affected, and obvious symptoms may include intense pain, swelling, and redness in the surrounding areas. It will often appear as an inflamed protrusion on the side of the big… Read more »

The condition referred to as flat feet which is also known as fallen arches, occurs when the arch is absent from the sole of the foot. As a result, the feet may point outward as the foot rolls to the inner side while standing or walking. Some patients may experience pain in the feet, and… Read more »