"Blog" Posts, Page 87

If you have a growth that’s protruding out of the heel bone, you may have what is referred to as a heel spur. When activities, such as running, are practiced excessively, the band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot may become painful and inflamed. This tissue is known as the plantar… Read more »

Implementing foot stretches in your daily routine will not only benefit the health of the foot, but also feel good. There are numerous muscles in the foot, and practicing proper stretches can aid in helping the body stay fit. Pointing and flexing your toes is an effective foot stretch, in addition to practicing a tendon… Read more »

Custom orthotics, or shoe inserts, should be periodically replaced. Orthotics must fit properly to give you the best results. Protect your feet and ankles!

Several foot conditions may originate from shoes that fit incorrectly. Hammertoes, corns, and bunions are among the ailments that may develop from shoes fitting improperly. Additionally, imbalances involving the body’s muscles may be affected, possibly allowing the knees and hips to become injured. A natural fit occurs when the foot can move freely and is uninhibited… Read more »

When the skin on the foot rubs against a shoe, there is a chance a corn will develop. Typically, the pressure from this causes the skin to thicken; this may produce extreme pain, affecting the deeper layers of the skin. Hard corns are generally caused by poorly fitted shoes and may develop on the top of… Read more »