"Blog" Posts, Page 9

Stretching is essential for pickleball players to prevent foot and ankle injuries. Incorporating calf raises into your routine strengthens the muscles, improving stability and reducing the risk of strains. Toe touches stretch the hamstrings and lower back, enhancing flexibility and overall mobility. Regular stretching increases blood flow to the muscles, which can help in quicker… Read more »

An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of a toenail grows into the surrounding skin, causing pain, swelling, and sometimes infection. This condition is often seen in the big toe and can result from improper nail trimming, wearing tight footwear, or injury to the toe. When the nail pierces the skin, it creates an entry… Read more »

Post-traumatic wounds over the top part of the foot are injuries that occur after a traumatic event, such as an accident or severe impact. These wounds can be caused by cuts, crush injuries, or severe abrasions. When they happen, it is essential to treat them properly to prevent complications like infection or poor healing. Handling… Read more »

Diagnosing an Achilles tendon injury, such as a tear or rupture, involves several precise steps to ensure accurate identification and treatment. First, a podiatrist will discuss your symptoms, focusing on any sharp pain in the ankle or back of the leg, difficulty walking, or an audible snap at the time of injury. A thorough physical… Read more »

High ankle sprains, prevalent among athletes, are distinct from traditional ankle sprains due to the affected ligaments. These injuries typically occur during sudden twists or impacts that force the foot upwards, straining the ligaments connecting the two lower leg bones, the tibia, and fibula. These are unlike common ankle sprains, which involve the ligaments on… Read more »