"Blog" Posts, Page 35
If you walk or run a lot, you may end up with a bruised heel, an injury that is different from plantar fasciitis. Symptoms of a bruised heel include pain in the bottom of the heel, or the calcaneus, as well as redness or purple bruising on the outside of the heel. A bruised heel… Read more »
If you notice a flat hardened callus on the bottom of your foot with tiny black spots showing beneath the skin, you may have a plantar wart. The area might be tender, but try not to touch it. This growth may be caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is highly contagious and can enter… Read more »
Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don’t let bunions interfere with your daily activities.
Many people who enjoy running can experience a small amount of normal discomfort. This may be from strengthening the heart and leg muscles. Additionally, there are people who have persistent pain, and this is something that requires immediate attention. An improper running form or increasing distance and intensity too soon could result in injury. A… Read more »
An ankle fracture can happen from suddenly twisting your ankle. This can happen from falling, or possibly from stepping off of a curb unexpectedly. The ankle ligaments may be affected, and surgery may be needed for permanent repair. A surgical benefit can consist of putting the bones back together in proper formation for proper healing…. Read more »